Our Charity
The Pre-School is a registered charity (number - 1023639), run on a not for profit basis. This means the Pre-School is here solely to make the best and safest early years provision for the children in our care. Our sustainability is based on an income created by fees (either parental fees or local authority contributions), and fundraising activities. Our parents and key carers support our charity in several ways including giving time, donations, or supporting fundraising activities.
Aside from this there are a number of ways you can automatically support the Pre-Schools’ mean of fundraising including:
Supporting events as they arise – could you supply a raffle or auction prize? Can you offer your time or resource to the Pre-School? Do you have any skills, talents or qualifications which will support the running of the Pre-School?
Signing up to Stamptasic: Visit www.stamptastic.co.uk and enter code SL59HG
Sign up to Easyfundraising.org.uk at www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/stfrancisascot (and register your details).