Our Policies
There are various policies which we will be happy to share with you upon request. All parents are required to agree to our policies if their child is to attend our Pre-School.
Please contact us for more information.
Working with our families
The relationship between Pre-School staff and parents is crucial to ensuring our children get the best from their time at St. Francis. Our door is always open and we pride ourselves on the very strong relationships we form with our families.
We take the opportunity to get your child ready for starting school with your support and inclusion.
We find that families who have placed one child in our care, tend to do so with subsequent children – this an obvious sign of parental advocacy for our offer.
Pre-School always invites parents to join us on off-site trips, which offer ideal opportunities for informal links. Parents are invited to join us for at least one session a term, an opportunity to bring in things from home to share traditions and cultures and parents can offer their talents (eg cookery, art or music) to share with the children. More formal discussion of a child’s progress and development takes place at Parent’s Evening during the summer. Your child’s key carer will share their learning journal with you, and also highlight any points of note.
List Of Policies
Below is a list of policies, which are available upon request.
Parents will also receive copies of the policies on induction to the Pre-School, and can confidentially access these at any time should they wish:
Admissions ~ Behaviour Management ~ Broadmoor Siren ~ Complaints Policy ~ Confidentiality Policy ~ Crisis Management ~ Equality & Diversity ~ Equipment & Resources ~ Fees ~ Health & Safety ~ Lost Child Procedure ~ Intimate Care ~ Management & Data ~ Managerial & Financial Controls ~ Non-Collection of Children ~ Non-Vetted Adults ~ Offsite Activities ~ Parental Partnership ~ Photograph ~ Refreshment ~ Risk Assessment ~ Safe Staff Recruitment ~ Safeguarding & Child Protection ~ Settling-In Pre-School ~ Special Educational Needs, Disability & Inclusion ~ Staff Code of Conduct ~ Staff Training ~ Staffing & Employment ~ Student Placement ~ Substance ~ Teaching & Learning.