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The Pre-School Committee




Our setting is managed by a parent committee, which means all decisions are made with and by the parents. Parents can have an input into all aspects of how the Pre-School is run.


Committee Purpose


The formal purpose of the Pre-School Committee is to oversee the setting's statutory obligations, to provide education and care in a safe and stimulating environment, and to secure the sustainability of the Pre-School through effective management, governance and fundraising. In turn, this ensures we are able to achieve the Pre-School's Core Purpose - to enhance the curiosity, imagination and fun of childhood.​

Parental Partnership


  • Parent Rota - Every term we invite parents (and or a guardian/carer/family member) to join their child at pre-school for one or two sessions.. They come to play with their child, meet their child's friends, talk to all the staff. They can also share something from home or bring a skill or talent to the session. For example one parent brought a guitar and sang some home favourites, another showed the children how to make a traditional German biscuit, another helped them use the tomatoes the children had grown and make chutney.


  • Home Book - Each week the children take a book home in which they can record their achievements as well as news about life at home or trips beyond the home. This provides the Pre-School with a base from which to engage and incorporate home life with school learning experiences.


  • We send home our planning ideas in advance  - We ask parents to add their ideas based on their child's current interests.


  • Father's (working parent) Days - Once a year, St. Francis Pre-school runs a session on a Saturday morning to provide an opportunity for parents who cannot come during the week to join in the fun and experience their child's learning environment for themselves.


  • Off Site Activities - Whenever the children go off-site parents are invited along. This includes annual summer outings, theatre trips, and the annual village walk.


  • Parents' Views - Parents views are sought formally in an annual questionnaire, informally through a suggestion box and through the system of the committee.


  • Annual Formal Parent Evening - To discuss development and progress.

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